Our roasting philosophy
Because the first one is better!
Time and again our customers confirm that our coffee is "somehow something special" and keep asking for our“secret”.
Well - passion and the best green coffee alone are not enough. So the secret must also have to do with the roasting. And that's exactly how it is.
It is only through roasting that the coffee beans acquire their unmistakable aroma. The coffee beans are heated dry during roasting. The increase in volume causes the bean to burst open and the "first crack" occurs. For typical "Italian" coffee roasts, most coffee roasters continue to roast and wait for the "second crack" for darker roasts.
The roasting process ends after the first "first crack" for all roastings.
The lightly roasted coffee beans are golden brown after the first crack and contain fine fruity notes. When brewed as filter coffee, they have a light and delicately fruity taste, as the light roast does not yet develop the roasted aromas as strongly and the natural aroma of the coffee cherry emerges. But the first-crack roasts are also a real coffee experience when prepared as espresso.
Thanks to the Elstermühle's special roasting philosophy, you get a very tasty and strong coffee that is also very mild and easy to digest. Does that sound like a contradiction? Not at all. Quite a few customers tell us: "Your coffee is the only one that I can drink without milk and that is very easy to digest."
So that is the "secret" of the Elstermühle coffee roastery: Because the first one is better.
You will definitely want to have a coffee from the Elstermühle right away. Just come by, we will be happy to advise you - and we always have great coffees in the bar to try. You are welcome to do the test with us and taste the difference between “first crack” and “second crack”. You will be amazed!
Annette und Mario Rose